We read in Mark’s gospel today of the activities of Jesus; these early verses of Mark are a kind of summary of what Jesus committed himself to throughout his public life: healing of people’s ills. Healing, preaching God’s Kingdom, and simply being the attractive person he was, by drawing wide interest among “the crowds” and especially among his special friends, the disciples. “he cured many who were sick. . . and he drove out many demons not permitting them to speak. . .”
Following a cure of Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, Jesus was beleaguered by crowds of her neighbors, “They brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town gathered at the door.” Jesus deals with them as they need him to minister to their ills.
The next morning, he arose and went to a deserted place where he prayed. Relax; don’t take life so seriously; give way to and thoroughly enjoy the presence of God who generously provides for your welfare.
Jesus recognizes the interplay between his gracious activity among those in need and the need himself to acknowledge the relationship with his Father God. That relationship is central to his work, his words, and especially to himself as God’s son.
So today I am taught by Jesus himself. My relationship with God is the very centerpiece of my life, whatever its contours, its ups and downs. My call to discipleship is to acknowledge that centrality by doing what Jesus does (“he prayed”).
Loving God help me to learn slowly but surely that you are the source of my life. Be with me as I relax into your presence and acknowledge and praise you as Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Quiet me by your presence and let your love prevail. Let me find Polar Bear like enjoyment of your goodness, love and presence in my sometimes-chaotic life.