Christianity is a community, not a competition. It’s not even an exhibition. Jesus says we should take care of our own spirituality and not worry about what others are doing, and not worry about how we appear to others. We can pray in private, and God can hear us just fine. We don’t have to pray in the streets and make a show and make sure everyone sees us pray and sees how holy we are. Sure, people do that, and God hears them too, but that’s not the point. The point is our relationship with God. Our prayer should be a conversation with God, a private conversation with God, not to show off for others.
The good works we do should be for the good, not to show off. Are we providing alms to help others because it’s the right thing to do, or so others can see how good and generous we are? The point is to be helpful and do the right thing, not to show off our generosity. Showing off our generosity might actually have the opposite effect. If we do good just to show off, we will have no recompense. We should do good because it’s the right thing to do, not for the attention, not for the reward, but those who are sincere in their good works will be rewarded.