Happy feast of the Ascension
And if we ask in Jesus’ name, we will receive.
Help me see the humanity of another person with whom I disagree.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for being close to us and welcoming us even after we have failed to seek for you.
God speaks to us!
The same Advocate that Jesus shared with the Apostles,
he also shares with us.
Where do we worship?
I will never leave you!
Love one another.
Proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the people.
How to grow the early Church....
God is the Lord of Peace
God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
They will know we are Christians....
My command to you is this:
Love each other as I have loved you - John 15:12
I will be back...
Receive the Lord;
spread His message;
love and serve others;
be humble in doing these things.