Phone: 443-203-1002
extension #7
I was ordained on May 6, 2017, after completing the Archdiocesan deacon formation program at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. At the time of ordination, a Deacon’s vocation to life of charity and service is formally instituted through the sacrament of holy orders. As heralds of Christ, we are called not only to proclaim the Gospel but to teach others what it means to be a follower of Christ in our modern-day world. I look forward to meeting all of you where ever you may be on your faith journey and traveling together in charity and service to the benefit of all the members of our community.
One of the first parishioners I met when I arrived at Our Lady of Perpetual Help said, "Welcome to the family!" So, if you are new to the area or parish, I echo his words, "Welcome to the family!" Family members make themselves at home when they visit, stay for a meal (there is always enough!) and help clean up afterwards. The best way to feel a part of the OLPH family is to become involved. You will see on this website and in our Sunday bulletin this is a "happening" place. If you are not sure how to give of your time or your talents, please contact me or any of the staff!
To read Sr. Kass' blog click here.